Tuesday, February 27, 2007

ode to the indian spitter

Why is that we pride ourselves for being among the cleanest people (we deride the western habit of using toilet tissues and the occasional shower ), but we dont seem to show the slighest hesitation in throwing filth in public places and desecrating our sorroundings in every conceivable way ?
this is my first post, and is dedicated to our not so endearing habit ..

spit, splat, spit !
why do we spit
where we stand or sit ?
on unsuspecting passers -by
on streets we walk by
from buses on the window side
from cars we shine with pride
on the freeway cruising
at the traffic light cursing
In over crowded alleys
In dark, silent gullys
with jets of betel chewed
or juices of tobacco brewed

does the traffic make us sick
or do we just get a kick
do we salivate in excess
or just swallow a little less
do we hate clean walls
or just like to mark them all
are we too senseless to care
or do we eject in despair

can all this ever change ?
and india get a clean image ?
will our streets be spit free ?

to a tolerable degree ?
i must hope that'll come true
for i hate to step on goo.