Sunday, February 27, 2011

So long Dad

Its hard to believe you're gone.
We'll never see you again
poring over the daily newspaper
ruminating over little printed words
dull and lifeless to most eyes,
but lively and tireless companions
you conversed with
over your morning cup of tea
resting in the aluminum framed easy chair
maroon window blinds drawn
to let in the morning light.
Or over your usually late breakfast -
that awaited you patiently for hours.

We'll never hear your sprightly voice
recalling a little known incident from the past,
or arguing until tempers frayed
as you held on unwavering
to notions unacceptable to the rest of us
until the final verdict was delivered thus -
"Thats how I am !!"
and that was that.

No more phone calls made religiously
to tell you all is well
and life is as usual.
No change of jobs, no illnesses, no cause for worry.
No more inquiring about your health,
no feeling of despair as on each passing day
your strength ebbed away.

I wish you well Dad
rest in peace.
Your memories remain,
and we will strive to keep these alive
even through the passage of time.
Thank you for all you've done and been to us.
where ever you may be, in what ever form,
Be assured - your life mattered, and you did your part.

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